Object to the Watermark coal proposal on the Liverpool Plains

Object to the Watermark coal proposal on the Liverpool Plains

Can you call the Deputy Premier and ask him to negotiate for Shenhua to permanently relinquish their risky Watermark coal proposal on the Liverpool Plains?

Can you call the Deputy Premier and ask him to negotiate for Shenhua to permanently relinquish their risky Watermark coal proposal on the Liverpool Plains?

Phone the Deputy Premier

If the company walks away now, it will not only save itself $200 million, it will also save our food bowl and save the living heritage of Gomeroi people. 

Call John Barilaro, NSW Deputy Premier

Deputy Premier: (02) 8574 5150

The phone will be answered by an office assistant.  You can ask to speak to a policy adviser or ask for a message to be passed on to the Deputy Premier.

Ask them to take down your name and message and make sure it is passed on.

Please let us know how the call went in the form below.



Call John Barilaro

John Barilaro John Barilaro NSW Deputy Premier (02) 8574 5150

Start with your name and where you live.

  • Deputy Premier John Barilaro told ABC News on Wednesday 20 January 2021 that Shenhua may reevaluate prospects for its Watermark coal mine on the Liverpool Plains since the financial landscape has changed.

  • Mr Barilaro said the Government is “having some negotiations to see what the future of that particular mining lease looks like.”

  • This provides an opportunity for Mr Barilaro to negotiate for Shenhua to relinquish their interest in the project.

  • A ...

Start with your name and where you live.

  • Deputy Premier John Barilaro told ABC News on Wednesday 20 January 2021 that Shenhua may reevaluate prospects for its Watermark coal mine on the Liverpool Plains since the financial landscape has changed.

  • Mr Barilaro said the Government is “having some negotiations to see what the future of that particular mining lease looks like.”

  • This provides an opportunity for Mr Barilaro to negotiate for Shenhua to relinquish their interest in the project.

  • A decision on Shenhua’s mining application will be made by the Department of Mining, Exploration and Geoscience, which falls under John Barilaro's ministerial responsibilities.

  • If Shenhua’s mining license is granted, the company will have to pay $200 million to the NSW Government. So far, Mr Barilaro has granted the company a payment extension, now we want the company to walk away and save the plains. 
  • This coal mine would destroy prime farmland, destroy First Nations cultural sites, and wipe out a colony of koalas.

  • The Chinese Government indicated recently that it’s not accepting Australian coal, so it should be a no-brainer for both Shenhua and the NSW Government to take this project off the table.



Make your call count, tell us how it went