Extinguish the Zombie licences

Extinguish the Zombie licences

Independent MLC Justin Field has a Bill in parliament that could end the uncertainty for North West New South Wales by extinguishing at a stroke eleven expired and unused coal seam gas exploration licences. 

Field’s Bill will be introduced next week but it would be simpler for everyone if the Deputy Premier did what should have been done years ago and extinguished these expired and unused gas licences. This, indeed, what National Party candidate for Upper Hunter has reportedly said he wants



Independent MLC Justin Field has a Bill in parliament that could end the uncertainty for North West New South Wales by extinguishing at a stroke eleven expired and unused coal seam gas exploration licences. 

Field’s Bill will be introduced next week but it would be simpler for everyone if the Deputy Premier did what should have been done years ago and extinguished these expired and unused gas licences. This, indeed, what National Party candidate for Upper Hunter has reportedly said he wants



Email decision makers

With five zombie coal seam gas licences affecting Upper Hunter, we think National Party candidate for Upper Hunter David Layzell should be encouraged to make sure the Deputy Premier takes up his suggestion. 

Please take a minute to add your own points to the email below to personalise it!

Points to raise:

  • I support Justin Field’s Bill and want the Government to extinguish the unused and expired CSG exploration licences in the North West straight away.

  • These licences affect some of our most vital groundwater resources, including the productive groundwater of the Liverpool Plains and strategic agricultural lands in the Upper Hunter. 

  • These expired licences have deterred investment in agriculture and the community has had no say in their renewal, and the Government has been negotiating with Santos behind closed doors 


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