Give the Hunter a fair and sustainable rejuvenation fund!

Give the Hunter a fair and sustainable rejuvenation fund!

Just in the nick of time, the NSW Government is setting up a fund to help coal mining regions transition away from coal. 

Draft laws to create the Royalties for Rejuvenation Fund and regionally-based expert panels to advise on spending to put coal communities on the road to renewal put a little too much power in the hands of the Minister and not enough in the hands of coal mining communities, where it belongs. You can help fix the problems with this Bill before it gets to parliament early next year and put the Hunter Valley and other coal mining ...

Just in the nick of time, the NSW Government is setting up a fund to help coal mining regions transition away from coal. 

Draft laws to create the Royalties for Rejuvenation Fund and regionally-based expert panels to advise on spending to put coal communities on the road to renewal put a little too much power in the hands of the Minister and not enough in the hands of coal mining communities, where it belongs. You can help fix the problems with this Bill before it gets to parliament early next year and put the Hunter Valley and other coal mining regions on the road to renewal. 

Here’s what we think: 

  • We need these laws introduced and passed so the Hunter and other coal communities can get their transition underway. 

  • The Government has promised $25 million a year already to the Fund, but much more than that will be needed in the long term.

  • Spending from the Fund will be at the Minister’s discretion: the laws need to make clear that the public interest, sustainability and the views of the community must be top considerations to avoid the Fund becoming politicised, being wasted, or supporting projects that hurt the community or environment.

  • It’s really important that this Fund be transparent and accountable to the community. The draft laws need stronger measures for reporting, review and consultation.

See our full submission guide here

You can check out the Draft Bill for yourself here.

The deadline for your comments by 21 January 2022




Submissions on the Royalties for Rejuvenation draft bill

The NSW government’s draft Royalties for Rejuvenation Fund Bill is a great start in helping the Hunter adjust to the global shift away from coal. Help make sure it has transparency, funding and community input. Make a submission below and support the Hunter’s renewal!


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