Protect our water

Protect our water

On the driest inhabited continent on earth, where people and landscapes depend on vulnerable water resources, Australia needs laws that protect our water from coal and unconventional gas mining. By working together we can demand that our fresh water and aquifers are protected. 

On the driest inhabited continent on earth, where people and landscapes depend on vulnerable water resources, Australia needs laws that protect our water from coal and unconventional gas mining. By working together we can demand that our fresh water and aquifers are protected. 

Stop Russell Vale coal expansion

Expansion of the Russell Vale coal mine risks permanent and irreversible loss of drinking water to a reservoir that is part of the water supply for over 4.5 million people. 

We need to act now to protect our clean, reliable water supply. 

Could you send a message to Rob Stokes, the NSW Minister of Planning, asking him to protect our water catchment?

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Could you send a message to Rob Stokes, the NSW Minister of Planning, in your own words asking him to protect our water catchment?

Please rewrite this email in your own words, and always be polite.