Protect the Kimberley from fracking before it’s too late

Protect the Kimberley from fracking before it’s too late

The Kimberley's communities, culture, and natural wonders are all at risk from industrialisation by oil and gas companies who want to exploit the region.

Fracking companies have plans for thousands of oil & gas wells across the region, which would unleash a carbon bomb - trashing the Kimberley and our fragile climate with over 13 billion tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions*.

We need to act now before this toxic industry gets a foothold.

Key decision-makers in government need to hear that you won’t stand for the destruction of the Kimberley and our climate from fracking. Renewable Energy is a cheaper ...

The Kimberley's communities, culture, and natural wonders are all at risk from industrialisation by oil and gas companies who want to exploit the region.

Fracking companies have plans for thousands of oil & gas wells across the region, which would unleash a carbon bomb - trashing the Kimberley and our fragile climate with over 13 billion tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions*.

We need to act now before this toxic industry gets a foothold.

Key decision-makers in government need to hear that you won’t stand for the destruction of the Kimberley and our climate from fracking. Renewable Energy is a cheaper and cleaner option** Together we can be louder than the fossil oil & gas industry!

* Climate Analytics, ‘Western Australia’s Gas Gamble - Implications of natural gas extraction in WA’

** Sustainable Energy Now, Broome Clean Energy Study - Feb 2023


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