The future of energy and resources

The future of energy and resources

The NSW parliamentary inquiry into the sustainability of energy supply and resources is taking submissions, and they really need to hear from you. 

This is our big chance to show how NSW can produce energy from renewable sources and manage economic change in the coal communities that supply the coal export market as our customer countries shift their energy systems to renewable and low-carbon energy.  

Lessons from other coal mining regions elsewhere in Australia and around the world show that failure to plan and invest before coal declines leads to job losses and social upheaval. 

But with good planning and ...

The NSW parliamentary inquiry into the sustainability of energy supply and resources is taking submissions, and they really need to hear from you. 

This is our big chance to show how NSW can produce energy from renewable sources and manage economic change in the coal communities that supply the coal export market as our customer countries shift their energy systems to renewable and low-carbon energy.  

Lessons from other coal mining regions elsewhere in Australia and around the world show that failure to plan and invest before coal declines leads to job losses and social upheaval. 

But with good planning and public investment, our regions can adjust to the changes that are coming.  In the Hunter, for example, the river system, good soils, deepwater port, railway, electricity infrastructure, vibrant population and proud history can help us diversify and prosper.



Email Environment Planning

If you’d like to read the terms of reference and send a more detailed submission, you can find more details here. 

If you want to read the Hunter Renewal Roadmap before you start, check it out here.

You can use our handy form to send your submission today! 

Submissions close on the 15th September

Where do you live?

Compose your email

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** Start with a bit about yourself and what you do ** 

** Ask the committee to hold public hearings in coal mining regions like the Hunter to give the people a voice **